I tested out Google My Tracks on my android phone. Its really cool.and it has this handy upload feature which then has this cool embed tool (see below) it tracks speed, location, elevation changes and of course distance. I should have kept it recording for one solid track, to make it more useful. I was riding with a mixed group, road bikes, MTBs and we even gave a dirt path through the woods a try. When we got to several tree trunks blocking the path we turned back to the pavement. But the trike did pretty well where the brush wasn't too overgrown. It made for about a 9 mile ride and I got up to 14mph for a bit. Thats my longest ride and fastest sustained speed with the trike so far. When my stamina is built up more I might alter the gearing or swap the back wheel for a 26 in to get a higher top speed. For now having to peddle fast is a good thing for improving my ability. We didn't do the entire trail, I think there is another 3-4 miles of trail if we had gone all through Bear Creek Park and there is more trail north of where we turned around. I'll definitely be going back here.
View 2011-03-26 07:23 in a larger map <----Click this to see it in a readable view.

Getting to where the sidewalk ends
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Time to Accessorize
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Herman Park part two
The train comes right down Main street to the park.
This guy laid his blanket down in a big open space and was calling on the phone. Girlfriend didn't show up?
Lovers standing close on the footbridge, whispering declarations of love to one another?
Oh wait, they are having an argument...perhaps its that now apparent baby on the way?
I love people watching and interjecting my own script on their lives. But this pair did not seem to be getting along too well.
Many flowers in the park were blooming.
Not all though, these Crepe Myrtles seem to have been set back by excessive trimming. Most around town are blooming.
Wild Life in Herman park
The train at Herman Park looks like a fun ride. The kids on board were all waving and having a good time.

This duck seemed suspicious of the strange man on the strange bike.
Miller outdoor theater has a lot of kites flying, kids rolling down hill and in this picture a toddler that seemed to have no parent around as he wandered off. They eventually realized he had been running pretty fast and caught up with him. Some teenagers had a weird skateboard with giant wheels and they were taking turns bombing down the hill. I raced one down. He was fast, but with me, the trike and a little peddle power at the start, he didn't stand a chance. Funny thing is it looks much steeper going 25 mph down the hill...
Kids get to cool off at the miniature replica of the Washington monument with reflecting pond.
Herman Park has great paved and crushed granite paths to cruise down.
They are wide and have interesting scenery everywhere you look.
Huge beautiful trees everywhere. Though not for the Charlie Browns among us.
Someones fun was spoiled.
I've always liked this sculpture in front of the Zoo.
This duck seemed suspicious of the strange man on the strange bike.
He was giving the the stink eye for quite a long time.
Kite flying looked pretty crowded. Up close some of the kites were incredible. Birds, dragons. etc. Next time I'll try to get pictures of the grounded kites. I should bring the video camera for this stuff, the point and shoot is good for pictures, but video is a bit blurry...oh wait my video is fine, YouTube just smashed it down to near unwatchable. I'll have to figure out how to embed better quality video.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Resistance training
Edit: I did come back a couple days later and went the other way, even went down a short dirt trail that looked like a lot of two-wheelers use. The trike worked great even off road, but I think its time for a tune up, it felt and sounded like the brakes might dragging a bit. I haven't seen either end of where I can ride on this trail, both ends connect to another place to ride. One looks like it might come pretty close to my house. With some winding through a few neighborhoods and an off road short-cut or two I might be able to plan a route out that dodged most traffic. It would be great if I could roll out of the garage and be able to get in a long ride without getting the car involved.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Spring is Springing early?
The weather has been warm enough for a couple of short rides through Terry Hershey park. I took my daughter with me and brought along my wife's trike. Did I mention she has one? She has a Sidewinder. Its a very fun rear-steering trike. More on that one another time I suppose. And I should detail my experience with the NuVinchi internal gear hub. It was worth every penny. Over the next few posts I'll try and talk about the accessories and gear and its good, bad or ugly elements. But the main thing is we should have really great riding weather coming for a while. Might be time for a few spare vacation days to get used up...
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